Sex on Sunday: Erotic fiction, NIMBY feminism, porn and Old West madams

I wish I could show what’s inside Madams of the Old West but alas, we will just have to imagine it.

Remittance Girl Erotic Fiction

3 selected points from her Manifesto

1. I think there is a WORLD of difference between what people fantasize about and what they actually do.
2. If you have a difficult time understanding this difference, you should not be reading my work.
8. If you read something in my work that you find offensive, please be responsible enough to stop reading. The appeal of my work is not universal nor is it intended to be.

Rejecting the ‘not in my back yard’ approach to feminism by Elly at LiberalConspiracy

Rather than considering the complex issues surrounding lap-dancing and stripping as forms of employment, they focus on their own distaste at the sex industry, and their sense of threat from it.

The UK Sexual Underground 3 Minute Wonder video by James O’Flynn

The UK Sexual Underground is a pitch for a series of 25 minute documentaries which explore (not exploit) the UK adult industry.

4 thoughts on “Sex on Sunday: Erotic fiction, NIMBY feminism, porn and Old West madams

  1. Iamcuriousblue

    On the “Not in My Backyard article” you linked to. It seems there was a connection they missed concerning the Bristol Feminist Network.

    Several months ago, BFN tried to block a burlesque performance by Dita Van Teese at a privately-funded event at Bristol City Museum:

    They claimed that this kind of event did not belong in any public institutional space period. They also have stated that if this event had taken place in a private space, presumably such as a strip club, they would have no objection. Now they’re trying to block this too, and this is what they have to say for themselves (from the comments in the article you link to):

    “#2 BFN writes:

    ‘The Bristol Feminist Network does not oppose the consensual decisions made by individuals about sex, sexuality or sex work.

    Some members of BFN oppose the licensing of a particular establishment in Old Market, some do not. We have made details of the licensing process and methods for participating available to our members so that they can speak for themselves.

    It is misrepresentative to describe BFN as being in opposition to this particular license application. It is a generalisation and unfair to the variety of views within our network.'”

    So this time they are trying to block licensing of a private space, and once again trotting out rhetoric to the effect that they do not object to “consensual decisions made by individuals about sex, sexuality or sex work”. Yet they consistently try to block erotic performances in venue after venue. Which leads me to as if there in fact any venue that BFN would deign to hold such a performance.

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